
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

3 Hacking Games Collection Free Download

1).Where can you hack military organizations and massive businesses, empty their bank accounts and infect their systems without ever worrying about getting caught? If you didn’t guess the virtual world of games, then you need to be smacked because it says it in the title! I went out and got some of the many hacker games.

Hacker V1

This game consists of 8 missions that don’t really require any logical thinking. Every mission is pretty much the same thing but different scenario. Once you go through the first mission, you will realize that it’s not worth even attempting the rest. It wasn’t realistic and to repetitive. Not worth downloading but if you still want to here’s the link:


2).Chen Luu, the author of both this one and v1, greatly improved on this version. In this game, you are hired by a corporation to complete 12 missions. Real tools like ping, DNS, Nmap and Telnet are used in this game. The games shell was created to mimic the Unix shell so you learn some real commands. The process used to go through each mission will give you a pretty good idea of the process a hacker goes through in a real world situation. This game is worth checking out, plus it’s free.

Hacker v3.1



3).The point of this game is to complete missions and raise up in the ranks while you listen to the pretty shnazzy music in the background. It uses many programs based on real ones, so you will get a sense of some of the real methods used by hackers. The game is mostly point and click not really any command line. There are a good amount of missions that aren’t repetitive like some of the games so it should keep you occupied for a while. I actually found this game fun. I recommend trying it out.

Uplink Hacker Elite


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