
Saturday, May 21, 2011

SQL Exploit Scanner

Sql Exploit Scanner -V3-

Hi and thanks for downloading my SQL Exploit Scanner V3

First of all I have been working on few updates and few bug fixes for this tool so small apprishiation would be great

============= NEW UPDATE LIST ==================

Updated Both Search Boxes so they both work now and no more error 503
Updated Darkie Search Engine Now you can use blackie instead of just Google
Updated Return List for google
Updated Dorks Search Option so now u can type in "inurl" as dork name so it will look like this
Example.... inurl:page.php?id= instead of just page.php?id=

Tided up the code so you get less Errors
Improved Listings
Made Close Program by app available again ( you don't have to use File> Exit any more )

============= How to use custom Dorks list ====================

when you extract sql exploit scanner V3 you will see a text file named
Simply replace contecst of this list with your own, do not rename the file or it will not work

====OLD UPdate List ======

Updated DropDown Box if you using one the other one becomes unusable
Updated Search Function so both Drop Down Boxes work as search and as custom List
Updated Add your own custom dorks list ( simply edit MHDorks.txt with list of your own dorks )
Updated List Return in list box now it auto removes duplicate URL's so you don't have to visit same site twice

This was what everyone was waiting for
Updated Tool made an add on for SQL Helper 2.7 Cleaned Version ( Means No virus, back door or keylogers )
you can used it with your any AVG enabled and it runs like it should I been testing it on my pc under KAV 2010
and not once my KAV come up with any virus warnings...

---- Removed Functions List ------
Removed Minimise or CLose Box from app it self now you have to click file and exit
there is a reason why I did this in order to sql helper 2.7 work next time this is the way I had to have it exit by option
I'm working on this issue and I houpe I will fix it on my next Update

------ Still Been Developed --------
Feed back given by guys over at HF Boards
Save Settings Function
Other Search Engine function like blackie a.k.a google's old engine

---- Importent Note Please do not try and Edit any files you not supose to I'm sure you will find 1 --------------
---- Please Do not remove any files or app might stop working, and sql helper infected ---------------

Many People been asking me what does this tool do here are some Q and A

Q. WHat does this tool do
A. Look in the Help Section of the Tool it will explain everything

Q. The Tool does not work for me what should I do
A. Few things this could be an issue with.. main one is net frame works you need to go and download that 2.2 server version
another issue might be missing.ocx file go on google and what ever file is telling u it'smissing download and put it in same place as my proggy
and final and most common issue is vista users ( guys remember you need to right click and run as admin ) " Poop Vista "..


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