
Saturday, May 14, 2011


Transitioning between Systems using the Mouse

Assuming you had configured your slave as being to the right of your master system (go back and look here if you're not sure what side you've configured your slave on) then using your mouse you should be able to move your cursor to the right so that it goes beyond the right-side of the screen, it should disappear and re-appear on your slave screen. Anything you now type will be sent to the slave system. To switch back to the master system, simply reverse the process and move the cursor to the left side of slave screen and keep going until it re-appears on the master system.

For transitions using the mouse, there are a variety of transition options that can be set:
  • Requiring that the cursor is tapped twice on the side of the screen to transition to the next screen
  • The cursor must be pressed against the side of the screen for a moment to cause a transition
  • A key(s) must be held down to permit the cursor the transition to occur

Recovering the cursor to the Master

If you wish to use a hotkey or if you start an application on the slave system and the system freezes and you need to return control to the master system, the default hotkey is left ctrl + left alt + control-break (control-break is the key marked pause/break to the right of the scroll-lock key on a standard keyboard). You can change this hotkey from the Main Input Director panel:
If things get really stuck, you can do a ctrl-alt-delete to regain control of input.

Startup Options

When you first install Input Director, it will be set to automatically start itself when Windows is started, but it won't be set to start up in either master or slave mode. Once you've decided which system will be the master and which will be the slave, you need to tell Input Director to start itself in the appropriate mode:
Change whether Input Director should be a slave or a master on startup from the Global Preferences tab.
To be able to control a slave prior to logging into it, you must have set Input Director to run on startup and be enabled as a slave

Managing when slaves are available

On the Master Configuration panel, a slave can be temporarily marked as one to be "skipped" when transitioning between systems. For example:

In this screenshoot the slave "jane" is positioned between bob and the Master system but has its Skip flag checked. When moving the cursor between the Master System and the remaining slave, Input Director will treat the "jane" system as if it doesn't exist. A slave's skip flag setting is temporary and not remembered between restarting Input Director or rebooting the Windows system.
You can quickly unskip a slave by using its hotkey to switch over to it. If the switch is successful, the slave's skip flag will be cleared.
Once you have Input Director running and configured it is beneficial to turn on the "Default all slaves to skip on startup". With this option on, all slaves are set to be skipped on startup. When a slave system becomes available (for example you boot a slave computer) it will attempt to communicate with the Master and let it know that its now available. The master will then automatically 'unskip' the slave and let you know that it is now available. This option will help to avoid transitioning to a slave that is not yet ready. Slaves will inform their Master if they're being shutdown or rebooted and the Master will accordingly 'skip' them.

Download link is below:

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