
Friday, June 14, 2013

Initial Analysis of “LuckyCat” APT Android Malware

First off, I have not been writing as often as I like lately. Have a bunch of nice things half written, and no time at present to finish the damn things due to college. Anyway, on with the show!
So I was browsing the Contagio Mobile Malware Dump and came across this:
I was intrigued. The “LuckyCat” APT people had come on my radar before for their elegant use of incredibly low-tech methods (old exploits, very simplistic malware).
So, I decided to dissect this thing. Using Dex2Jar, Unzip and JD-GUI, I was able to quickly reduce the .apk to its source code (Java, ugh) and poke around.
Trend Micro had previously shown it seemed to have file manager functionality, remote command execution, and possibly phonebook theft features. So I decided to go look at its C&C.
I eventually found the following code in the “” class:
private String strReIP = “”;
private String strRePort = “54321″;
Now, this lead me to think “So, it connects to that host on that port… Interesting”.
An nslookup shows this no longer seems to exist:
$ nslookup
Non-authoritative answer:
Address: is, unless I am mistaken, a dynamic DNS provider.  A whois shows it to be China based, as expected.
While going over the source, I noticed a few strings with Chinese characters in them, further giving me the opinion this is another Chinese APT type threat thingy.
I did not, unfortunately, have time for anymore screwing with this, so without further ado, here is the download link to the malware and decompiled source.
PASS:      infected

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