
Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Note :  For the security reason the link is censored.

Step 1 :

Find a Vulnerable site Using The Google Dork.

U can Find it here :

Check The site is vulnerable or not Using The    '    After the id or other perameter.

If u get an error so the site is vulnerable to sql injection attack. If not than try other site.

Step 2:

Download the Full Version  Which You Would Like.

Step 3:

Now Open The Havij Tool.

And Put the vulnerable Link  on the bar and Start Attacking.

Step 4:

After the tool trying automated queries on the website and provide the database name.

Step 5:

Go to table and click on the database name and click on the Get table.

Next Click On the Get Colums.

And You Get the all colums that u want,

In there the admin and pass or id Filed You have shown.

Just tick on it and Click on the Get Data.

After Take a time and u have the admin and password of the site.

Sometimes mostly the password in Hash B'coz of security.

Step 6:

After the Login details You have got u need to Login Panel Of the site.

Go to the Find Admin Tab And search it.

It takes some time and You Have got the admin panel link of the site just go to 

the link and login and do what u want to with site.

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